A bunch of facts and a boom
I’m scattered across the floor
Quick! Run-
Grab the broom:
Me Post-Structuralism
I lost my shit over breakfast this morning
The weather made me do it
Not the hangover
Or Clover
Oh, brother
No other lover
Apology of Autonomy
Soft as applesauce
Sometimes we make choices
Sometimes we get lost…
Raised red streaks down pale face shimmering
Of reckoning; today is the coldest day
One of those
‘Til tomorrow
Then we have to change yesterday’s name
Cold, sick, and hollow
Deep tracks we’ve followed
Cuddle long always
Wallow until warm stays
Over coffee, blank verse, and burnt toast
This one goes out to the one I love the most
I apologize profusely
To put it truthfully
Frigid weather courses through me
Computer screen’s bluey
Let’s make a hibernate date
I’ll change around Mid-May